Cooking in the Time of Corona – Leftover Black Bean Soup

All of the soup I make, not just the black bean, tend to turn out more like stew.

(Source photo by Shaun Pennington)

So, if you made my black bean soup, and you have some (or a lot) left over, you can probably freeze it. I have a strong aversion to throwing food away, no doubt from a childhood of hearing, “eat your peas (always canned), remember those poor kids in…” – pick your country. Anyway, here’s what I did this week.


– leftover black bean soup

– some kind of corn tortillas or wraps

– grated cheese – I use rennet-free Tillamook white cheddar

– tomatoes chopped

– diced jalapeno

– sliced pitted olives

– chopped greens – I usually choose kale

– avocado or guacamole either in the quesadilla or on top

– salsa (see above)

– whatever else you have in the fridge you would otherwise throw away



I prefer the corn tortillas because corn combined with black beans makes a complete protein. Though most Americans don’t fall short on protein, non-vegetarians are often quick to express concern about how we non-meat eaters get our protein. There’s a meme somewhere about that. “You didn’t give a s*&% how I got my protein before I told you I was a vegan”

Anyway, using two tortillas or wraps, grate cheese on one and then spread the leftover soup on the first tortilla add your other items and then grate cheese again on top. When melted cheese on both sides tends to hold the whole thing together . Put the other tortilla or wrap on top. Press down a bit to spread out the fixin’s.

You can then place them one at a time in a non-stick frying pan on medium heat. Cook just a few minutes until the cheese melts on one side, flip it and let the cheese melt on the other side. You can do these one at a time cut into wedges to share them. Or warm them in oven while you prepare more. Or in the case of the smaller sized corn tortillas, you can put them on a lined baking pan and heat at 340 degrees until the cheese is melted and everything is warm.

They can be messy to eat, but since you won’t be having company right now, who cares. Eat them with your fingers, picking up everything that has fallen out, and then wash your hands again.

Top with more greens, salsa, guacamole, yogurt or whatever you prefer…


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