Pre-Election Pay Increases Being Processed

The V.I. government is processing pay increases negotiated in collective bargaining agreements with several departments and agencies, Government House announced Friday.

According to the Office of Collective Bargaining and the Office of Management and Budget, the departments and agencies are in varying stages of finalizing the necessary steps to process the increases.

The increases are retroactive to Oct. 1, and each agency also must process miscellaneous pay as part of the retroactive pay, according to Government House. The statement did not clarify what miscellaneous pay is.

Out of the 21 departments and agencies included in the negotiated increases, OMB has provided supplemental funding to 17 so far and continues to assist the remaining departments in processing their negotiated increases.

The Government House statement cites Act 8123, which is the Fiscal Year 2019 appropriations act, appropriating funding for all the executive branch agencies. It is a non-detailed bill, consisting of a line-item listing of total appropriations for each agency.

The Legislature approved an array of government pay increases shortly before last year’s elections.

The proposed FY 2019 budget projected wages and salaries of $251.2 million and taxes and benefits of $122 million, before these pay increases.

The agencies that have already been processed are:
– V.I. Police Department.
– V.I. Fire Service.
– Department of Education.
– Department of Planning and Natural Resources.
– Sports, Parks and Recreation.
– Bureau of Internal Revenue.
– Lt. Governor’s Office.
– Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
– Department of Finance.
– Office of Veterans Affairs.
– Property and Procurement.
– Department of Labor.
– Department of Public Works.
– Bureau of Corrections.
– Department of Agriculture.
– Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs.

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