Climate Change Is Here, But Are We Listening?

Dear Source:
Climate Change and what to do about it has been on the world’s center stage this month:
 NASA reported that the summer of 2014 (globally) was the warmest in recorded history
 The World Meteorological Organization reported that in 2013 the rate of increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases , which cause global temperatures to rise, was the fastest in 30 years
 300,000 people marched in New York City and in a host of other cities around the world to demand that governments of the world move more quickly to transition to renewable energy sources in order to avoid the coming negative effects of global Climate Change
 The International Monetary Fund released its “New Climate Economy” report that outlines how transitioning to sustainable forms of energy is good for the growth of the world’s economies
One has to wonder if anyone at government house or at WAPA is listening. The Territory’s current 10-year energy plan, developed under the DeJong administration, is too little over too long a period of time and will keep the territory chained to fossil fuels through 2030 and beyond. The overwhelming majority of the world’s climate scientists estimate that we have five years to drastically reduce our use of fossil fuels or face massive global weather and environmental chaos. The US Defense Department announced in May that it is developing contingency plans for how deal with the enormous social upheaval and international instability that will ensue.
When our new governor and senators take office in January, it will be incumbent on them to immediately upgrade the Territory’s energy plan to reflect the urgent reality the world is facing. That upgraded energy plan should set a target date of 2020 for 90% or more of the Territory’s energy coming from renewables. Calling for anything less would be stealing the future form our children and their children; petty thieves have gone to jail for much less.
Kelly Gloger, St. Thomas

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