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HomeNewsArchivesPositive Vibes Hammers the Raymix

Positive Vibes Hammers the Raymix

The Positive Vibes took advantage of the Raymix, hammering them 4-0 in the St. Thomas Region’s Super League action Sunday at the UVI Grounds. In a game that started late with replacement officials, the Positive Vibes took little time in taking a 1-0 lead on a goal by Orande James. The Raymix missed their opportunities in the first half and had to settle for a 0-1 deficit at half-time. The half-time break did Raymix no good as the Positive Vibes’ Amon Bascombe made it 2-0 within five minutes. At that point it was all Positive Vibes as the deflated Raymix were unable to sustain any meaningful attack.
The other goal scorers for the Positive Vibes were Vaughn Samuel and James. The action resumes next Sunday at 2:45 p.m. when Raymix faces the defending association champion, the New Vibes, followed by the Positive Vibes and the Haitian Victory.

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