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HomeNewsArchivesSTAR Conducts Kwanzaa Run on New Year’s Day

STAR Conducts Kwanzaa Run on New Year’s Day

On Sunday, Jan. 1, the last day of Kwanzaa (Imani), the St. Thomas Association of Roadrunners (STAR) will conduct two footraces. Participants can choose between a 2-mile run or walk and a 7-kilometer (4.3 mile) run or walk. Seven kilometers have particular meaning since each kilometer represents one of the seven principles observed during Kwanzaa’s seven days. Both races start at 4:30 p.m. The 2-mile course will circle the UVI field and roadside while the 7-kilometer event will follow the Airport Road to the Island Beachcomber bus stop and then return. Registration will begin at 3:30 p.m. Medals and ribbons will be awarded to the winners.
The principles of Kwanzaa are defined as follows:
1. Omoja – unity
2. Kujichagulia – self-determination
3. Ujima – collective work and responsibility
4. Ujamaa – cooperative economics
5. Nia – purpose
6. Kuumba – creativity
7. Imani – faith
During Kwanzaa week, one person would greet another saying,Habari Gani?,which asks “What’s happening?” The response is to state the current day and principle. On Sunday that will be “Imani!” or “Faith” (the principle for the last day). You can learn more about Kwanzaa from the worldwide web. For more information about the Kwanzaa Run call 777-8183.

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