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Tuesday, June 18, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesHovensa Steps Up to Save Scouts

Hovensa Steps Up to Save Scouts

The V.I. Council of the Boy Scouts of America was looking at a budget shortfall that could lead to the loss of its charter. An annual fundraiser brought in just a fraction of what it used to bring in: the Council needed a savior. Council Board member Sal Sanpere reached out to Hovensa, and officials stepped up presenting the Council with $25,000 on Saturday.

Sal Sanpere, on the board for 27 years, said that when he saw how desperate for general operating funds the council was just to keep the charter, he knew he had to do what he does best. He “twisted some arms” at Hovensa.

The annual Blue Marlin Tournament usually brings in $95,000 to $120,000 to support scout programs, but, this year, it only brought in $15,000, Sanpere added.

The check was presented under the flagpoles to scouts and scout leaders on the beautiful, sprawling grounds of Howard M. Wall Scout Camp just west of Great Pond on the south shore of St. Croix. Scouts from three troops on St. Croix were there to show their appreciation, and also to serve up hot dogs and hamburgers.

Stuart Lewis, president of the V.I Council, said the charter requires such things as having a full-time, paid executive staff member. Ed Harvey, who fills that position, said they have to pay bills like insurance and electric just like everyone else. Lewis said they will use the funds for programs, training, and travel to meetings and campouts stateside for the 400 local boys served every year.

Brian Lever, Hovensa president, said he was a scout and knows what an amazing organization the Boys Scouts is. “Scouting is a great opportunity for boys to learn important life skills,” Lever said. “When we were made aware of the problems facing scouting in the Virgin Islands, we had to figure out a way to protect this valuable organization.”

Lewis said officials from Hovensa saw the involvement of the scouts in character building, taking on responsibilities, and learning morals. “We are very pleased with the continued support from Hovensa,” Lewis said.

The scouts also gave back to the community donating $435 and purchased Christmas gifts that they presented to Pastor Ed Cullen and his wife, Debbie Cullen, for the Light House Mission.

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