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HomeNewsArchivesA. Henderson School’s Black History Month Observance Focuses on Anti-Violence

A. Henderson School’s Black History Month Observance Focuses on Anti-Violence

Students at the Alexander Henderson Elementary School will focus on activities about curbing bullying and violence during the annual Black History Month observance scheduled for Feb. 22-25. They are also geared to help build students’ self-esteem, according to school counselor Sandra Cannon. Ilma Rodgers, also a Henderson school counselor, who is coordinating the school’s Black History Month observance along with Cannon, said martial arts students will be performing skits with an anti-bullying theme, and fine arts students will be rapping to their peers with a strong anti-gang and anti-violence message during a contest. “The song can be from any genre: calypso, reggae, rap or dance hall, as long as it has a positive message,” Rodgers said.
The following are activities scheduled:
K – 6th grade students will audition for the Rap Against Violence contest in the auditorium from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 23
Students and faculty will attend school dressed in African attire.
Thursday, February 24
TheFire Department will make a presentation on safety and healthto K – 1st grade students on the school’s playground from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Fish and Wildlife will make presentations in the school’s auditorium to 4th – 6th graders from 8:30-10 a.m., and to 1st to 3rd grade students from 10:15–11:45 a.m.
K – 6th grade students will participate in a Martial Arts Presentation on Bullying in the auditorium from 1 – 2:45 p.m.
Friday, February 25
Several guest speakers are scheduled to address students focusing on the anti-bullying and anti-violence theme beginning at 9 a.m.
Student Rap Contest on anti-violence begins at 1 p.m. in the auditorium.
For more information, call 772-1330 ext. 3104 for Ms. Francis or ext. 3105 for Ms. Cannon.

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