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HomeNewsArchivesBrief: Cops To Set Up Driver Checkpoints

Brief: Cops To Set Up Driver Checkpoints

V.I. police will be setting up several license and registration checkpoints on St. Croix in September, so drivers need to have their paperwork in order.

The goal of the effort is to reduce accidents, injuries and fatalities by identifying persons driving with no license or expired licenses and get them off the street, as well as educate the public on the dangers of driving without driver’s license, according to a V.I. Police Department statement.

"Our objective is to send a clear message to those who are operating vehicles without a valid driver’s license and/or unregistered vehicles," the department said in the statement. "By publicizing these enforcement and education efforts, the Virgin Islands Police Department believes motorists can be deterred from driving without driver’s license and operating unregistered vehicles."

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