Legislature Needs a 'Clean Sweep'

Dear Source:
Governor de Jongh's visionary and financial skilled leadership abilities and Team is thankfully cautioning overspending to our Legislative Branch who doesn't not seem to "get" the state of our ongoing problems that must be addressed in our deteriorating infrastructure and overall past failed Administrations. To you Senators who were a part of the 26th Legislature and voted for that last minute, sneaky and ill-advised raise for yourselves by supporting Bill #6905 I say: " Can you really continue to say that this was in the best interest of your VI Constituents and the neglectful State of our Territories?
If you do, I say "Shame on you". I remind every citizen that time is quickly ticking towards our next Senatorial election. We should no longer have patience for Senators who play manipulative games with us; our lives or our vast and numerous Island needs. Too much is at stake. We do not need Senators who put themselves or their narrow-minded or limited opinions first; spent their time being tricksters or creating divisiveness between the many people who love and work hard towards bettering these Islands-no matter what their backgrounds or country of birth.
We finally and gratefully have one functioning Branch of Government in place-our Executive Branch-clearly working at identifying problems and solutions after so many years of neglect and mismanagement. Next-it is our Legislative Branch that needs a "clean sweep". Senators-may I remind you that you are suppose to serve the people of these Islands- not yourself or your interests? We need Senators who communicate to us- who listen and hear the majority's concerns and meet our many needs. I wonder why no one has listened to the people is asking for a recall of Bill #6905? And which Senator has blocked this recall by seemingly appearing to do something with it? Why does it continue to be ignored-like the Public no longer cares or will forget about it?
I keep wondering which of our present Senators will show true courage and Leadership by breaking ranks by standing up for this wrong in passing Bill #6905-especially in the manner in which it was done. Pay attention voters. Soon come-we will be able to send a clear message that we have not forgotten who stands for us-and those who stand more for themselves. The people of the Virgin Islands must have transparent and open Government-to have "Good Government". It is our democratic right-just like free speech is.
Bonny Corbeil
St. John

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to source@viaccess.net.

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