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Sailors Racing Around the Big Island

Dec. 4, 2004 – Golfers at the Third Green stopped their game and pointed out to sea and watched as three multi-hulled and 10 single-hulled sailboats began their Race Around the Island off Buccaneer at 9 a.m. Saturday.
At 11 a.m. about a dozen people at Point Udall watched as the boats came around the east end of the island and made their tack up toward Frederiksted where they will anchor for the night.
Julie San Martin, former commodore of the St. Croix Yacht Club, said the race used to be completed in one day. This is not too hard for most multi-hulled boats. The record for going around the island in a big boat is just under six hours. However, according to San Martin, it is almost impossible for some of the smaller boats to make the trip in the 12 hours of daylight St. Croix has to offer, so several years ago the race was broken into two days. She was not exactly sure how long the race has been held annually, but said over 30 years.
She has not participated in the race, but has sailed around the island. She said Saturday, "For some it is the trip of a lifetime. Absolutely gorgeous. Some of the shoreline you see is just like it was in Columbus's time."
This is the first time that Dick Carr, manager of St. Croix Yacht Club, has supervised the race.
The race had been scheduled for Veteran's Day weekend, but according to Carr, "It was rougher than a cob." He said the real problem sailing the race when the water is rough is the evening anchorage off the beach across from Sprat Hall, north of Frederiksted. He said the area is unprotected and in rough seas, "No one would have slept a wink."
The first multi-hull was expected off Frederiksted in the early afternoon and the last single hull should be in by 5 p.m.
The sailors were to begin their race again at 9 a.m. Sunday with everyone finishing before 4 p.m. off Buccaneer. An awards ceremony was scheduled for 5 p.m. at the St. Croix Yacht Club.
Carr said crews on the boats ranged from two to four. Last year the multi-hulls outnumbered the single hulls. No one could say why the switch this year, but San Martin said none of this year's single-hull boats took part in last year's race.

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