80.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Friday, June 21, 2024


Jan.12, 2003 – Police on St. Thomas were seeking a 22-year-old man on Sunday in connection with the fatal shooting late Friday night of a security guard during an armed robbery at the Market Square East cinema.
Investigators say they believe Albion Frett, the man being sought, may have been driving a red Honda sedan in the vicinity of the Caribbean Cinemas multiplex near around midnight Friday when the shooting occurred. They described Frett as being between 5 feet 6 and 5 feet 9 inches tall, about 155 pounds, and of dark complexion with short locks.
Police also were seeking a .380-caliber handgun that may have been taken from the shooting victim, Richard Baptiste, 48.
Baptiste, a Corrections Bureau guard, was moonlighting as a security guard for Ranger American. Police said he was escorting a female employee of Caribbean Cinemas who was carrying the night's cash receipts from the movie complex when they were accosted by an armed gunman and Baptiste was shot several times. He died around 3 a.m. Saturday at Roy L. Schneider Hospital.
The woman was not hurt during the incident, according to Attorney General Iver Stridiron. He said the missing handgun is a standard issue for all peace officers in the territory and if Baptiste's weapon was taken in the robbery, it was taken after he was shot. "It wasn't a matter of Baptiste being shot with his own gun," Stridiron said.
Police say individuals who were in the area at the time of the shooting are cooperating in the investigation. They ask that anyone with information concerning the case call the police Major Crime Unit on St. Thomas at 715-5522 or emergency number 911.

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