81.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Wednesday, June 26, 2024


It's hard, almost impossible, not to fall in love with any of A. A. Milne's characters – except one. Tigger is probably the least likeable, with his frequently over-exuberant ways, and this movie, even with Disney's excellent animation, does nothing to dispel that image, according to most reviews.
Oh, the movie is not without merit. How could it, be with Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh, and the rest of the Hundred-Acre Wood family in attendance? .
Loveable as ever, the gang is preparing a suitable winter home for Eeyore, the donkey, and everyone is helping except, you guessed it, Tigger. Finally they suggest he go out into the woods and find his tiger family.
Tigger, of course, has never entertained the notion that he isn't the only tiger in the world, but the idea begins to appeal to him as he discovers he is lonely up there at the top. So he sets out on a journey to find his family, secure in the knowledge that he will find them. Where? In the family tree, silly. But he doesn't. His real family, of course, is the Pooh gang.
There is a heartwarming message in the movie; home is where the heart is. But, as one reviewer suggested, a message does not a movie make. However, for the generations that have grown up on Milne, this is probably a chapter not to be missed.
Supplying the voices are Jim Cummings, Nikita Hopkins, Ken Sansom, John Fiedler and Peter Cullen. Jun Falkenstein is the writer and director.
It is rated G. That's nice.
It is playing at Market Square East.

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